Jehovah's Witnesses have nothing to thank Jehovah for yet. They will only have one thanks giving day.
They will thank Jehovah just as soon as he keeps his part of the pact and whisks them off to The New World.
hi guys,.
being a brit living abroad, i never really understood the whole thanksgiving business.. i think growing up as a jw didn't help either.
anyway, i've rid myself of those jw shackles and have decided to take an interest into the goings on over the pond, especially as my favourite place on earth is bar harbor.
Jehovah's Witnesses have nothing to thank Jehovah for yet. They will only have one thanks giving day.
They will thank Jehovah just as soon as he keeps his part of the pact and whisks them off to The New World.
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
Tec/Tammy - "I can see sometimes if someone is following Christ or not though. "By their fruits you will recognize them" "
Your comments really brings us back to the title of this thread and my own philosophy. People are defined by how they treat others not what they claim to believe. If people treat others well they can’t be wrong because they are demonstrating ‘the fruits of the spirit.’ They stop being non-believers because they do believe in something, namely treating others well. There of plenty of people who believe in God, both Christian and pagan that do not demonstrate ‘the fruits of the spirit.’
The bible states that faith without works don’t count. The reverse is true; works without faith do count. As a Christian you give the credit for your good works to Jesus but it is your good works that define you. Still, believing in Jesus as well could be a sensible move; charity is good but so is insurance.
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
Perhaps the way to never be wrong is for an individual to simply say, I don’t know if a genuine personal god exists. Give me a little more time to consider all the different gods on offer and decide if one of them is genuine.
If I die without coming to a conclusion, a merciful god will send my spirit to high school. I can't believe a loving god would raise me up just to punish me for not being smarter. If I never achieve consciousness again, then I will not be in a position to rue my procrastination.
i remember hearing rumblings of a few that had gone "apostate" and feeling absolute dread of the dark world they had stepped into.
i would re-double my studying efforts.
to me, "apostates" had gone over into the "dark side".
How's this for a trip dpwn memory lane. I was a school-boy at the time:
Today we were all off to the 1963 International Assembly at Twickenham Stadium. It was to last an historic eight full days and involve sitting listening to many lectures. Some of the Watchtower Society’s top speakers would be there and with so many thousands gathered, there would be a lot of God’s Holy Spirit around. Firstly though, we had to get to the stadium and it appeared there was a problem. I had heard of the ‘evil slave class’ through our study books. This was anyone collectively or singularly who had joined our church and then left. They were to be avoided at all cost, as it was believed they were possessed by demons and very dangerous. We were warned by attendants along the route that we should be on our guard, as a group of evil slaves were near the gates of the stadium.
Father instructed me and my brother John to keep as far away from them as possible and not to even look at them. He explained that Jehovah’s spirit would protect us, so we should make it to the safety of the stadium unharmed. I ran a quick prayer through my mind asking for protection for our family. As we neared the stadium, I felt a rush of excitement mingled with fear. I had never before seen a demonised and dangerous evil slave and started to imagine what one would look like. Would he have two heads and sharp claws? What colour would he be? We drew nearer and in the distance, I could just make out a small group gathered on one side of the pavement. John focused with all his attention, mouth agog. As we got nearer, we ignored the warning not to look at them. We could see them more clearly now. They were remarkably ordinary looking men and a couple of women; smartly dressed and wearing placards that I could read the writing on.
‘Watchtower is Snare & Racket.’
‘Watchtower Society Lies.’
As we walked past, I noticed that they were offering tracts just as we did. Probably noticing the look of awe on my face, a stout middle-aged evil slave smiled at me. My face was too frozen with fear and fascination to smile back at him. In any case, it would not please Jehovah. I looked back at the women hoping to see something evil happen but they looked totally normal. We were past the evil slaves and safely on our way into the stadium. Suddenly the excitement and danger was over.
‘They weren’t very scary!’ I exclaimed.
‘Your father told you not to look,’ mother snapped. ‘When are you going to learn to do as you are told?’
‘They looked so ordinary,’ I said, looking disappointed.
‘Of course they did. The Devil transforms himself into an angel of light to catch out disobedient children. Next time you might not have such a lucky escape!’
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
Wrong about what?
There are many religions in the world worshiping different gods in different ways. They can’t all be right, so the billions of believers who have worshiped the wrong god will have to do a lot of explaining to the big sky daddy.
Non-believers will not have committed idolatry and kept themselves free from idols. They will be able to say that they were waiting to die and meet the real god, so as to be sure they did not worship a false god. Hedging bets is a good move.
this is a spin from palm's thread on a truce.
but i think, instead of getting people to sugget ways that a truce could work... how about we list answers to this:.
atheists: what do you want from theists?.
Palmtrees, I hope that you were able to find something of value in my post that encourages you to feel more positive about the state of play.
The last paragraph was in line with Tec’s opening questions. It also relates to the thread on whether we need a truce and offers a practical suggestion.
Good post Psacramento. You have been an example to me over the years o f patience and tolerance, which are strengths not weaknesses.
this is a spin from palm's thread on a truce.
but i think, instead of getting people to sugget ways that a truce could work... how about we list answers to this:.
atheists: what do you want from theists?.
palmtree67 "Like others, I've looked at Tec and Shelby's new site, and I find (personally), no one questions, no one challenges. Shelby says she got a "vision", everyone praises it. As Sab said, they accept it is a "FACT" that Shelby talks to God, .......I'm sorry.....I just need more evidence. I haven't seen that so far."
I can see how this may appear to be the case but the reality is different. Claims of having had a vision are met with praise only by those that believe they are from God. Many people, including me, politely avoid commentating unless we have something new or helpful to say. Silence does not mean consent, acceptance or endorsement. It shows respect and allows room for resoned debate as it becomes appropriate.
We have commented many times and made our views clear over many years on this forum. Despite my sometimes robust comments to Christians over the years, I was personally invited to join the forum you have refered to by both Aguest and Tec, who also sought approval from Psacramento. They wanted an Athiest as a moderator to help insure fairness. Outlaw is also an atheist moderator. We feel no need to intrude on every thread and ridicule other people’s faith. It is after all a forum designed for Christians to discuss matters which interest them.
The following quote is a comment I made on that forum, " Some interesting posts that illustrate how faith is a part of your life. I would like to share my faith with you but it would be dishonest of me claim I have a faith. Perhaps it is more of an awareness of being part of something that cannot be explained with words. An awareness that grows stronger in silence and solitude. I can relate to James Thomas’ understanding in a direct way. The Christian viewpoint is an indirect connection to me. Of course Christians will see what I have said the other way round."
On this excellent forum there are many regular posters who avoid getting into rows over matters of belief. They enjoy the variety and good company that this forum offers. They comment and share their views but feel no need to pelt every declaration of faith with stones. Between the extremes of Atheist and ardent vision enhance Christian, are many shades of belief, as you have expressed about yourself. Like you Palmtree, I consider myself to be somewhere along the scale; simply a seeker of truth with no fixed destination in mind. We are able to accept others right to hold their beliefs without accepting the beliefs.
People with strong personalities may give the impression of dominating forum discussion because they entertain and provide something to bat against. But many of the most helpful comments are made by posters who seldom comment. A number of posters who have left expressed that they felt unwanted, overlooked and unheard. Perhaps we should encourage these timid and often overlooked posters to share more of their insights with us. Let them know that we do appreciate their thoughts, share their feelings and value them as we look for treasure hidden in the seaweed.
i like to share my picture with you and that you share yours with me.
but only if that does not represent any problem to you.
here is mine.
gillian flaccus from the associated press reports on november 19, 2012 in the christian science monitor that 'the atheist's anti-god message alongside a life-sized nativity display in a park overlooking the beach [has] ignited a debate that burned brighter than any christmas candle...
what is your reaction to this lawsuit?
is it fair?
“What is your reaction to this lawsuit? Is it fair? Is it justified? ”
Nah! This is far too serious to settle in court.
They should don gladiator costumes and fight to the death.
" Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant "
(We who are about to die salute you)
ricky gervais tweeted this 11/14/12 and i totally agree with it:.
"there are good atheists and bad atheists.
there are good believers and bad believers.. no god has ever changed that.".
We don't so much fight, as wrestle with each other.
And don't ya just love it